In the Vineyard, worship is our highest priority. We believe that God designed us first and foremost for this purpose. When we don’t worship God, we end up worshiping other things and are left dissatisfied.
The word used throughout the New Testament for worship is Proskuneo (John 4:20 24), which means to “come towards and kiss”, “to lie down flat on one’s face”, “to revere”. It has to do with intimacy.
God wants us to be passionate, to love Jesus and His words and works above everything else. As St. Irenaeus put it: “The glory of God is man fully alive.” This means that our worship is far more than the songs we sing — it’s the central attitude of our lives, and therefore is an overflow and expression of our everyday obedience to, and love for Jesus.
We actively encourage freedom in worship. We worship in a way that is contemporary and joyous. We believe that it makes sense to worship our Creator with a style of music that is enjoyable and which allows us to present ourselves to him as we are.